Relational Coaching
Relational coaching puts the relationship between the coach and the client at the heart of the coaching process. It's a shift from traditional therapeutic models that prioritize goal-setting and problem-solving to a deeper exploration of the interpersonal dynamics between two individuals. In a safe and gentle way, we can explore how minds and bodies interact in real time, with opportunities to reflect, accept and integrate insights.
How Does Relational Coaching Work?
Key principles of relational coaching:
The relationship as the core: The quality of the coach-client relationship is the primary driving force for change and personal growth.
Mutual co-creation: Both coach and client are active participants in shaping the dyadic experience.
Empathy and presence: The coach is fully present and attuned to the client's emotional state and experiences.
Exploration of the here-and-now: The focus is on the present moment and the dynamics within the coaching relationship.
Holistic approach: Relational coaching considers the whole person, including their emotions, relationships, and values.

Benefits of Relational Coaching
Here are the advantages of relational coaching:
Deeper levels of trust and connection in your relationship and to yourself.
Enhanced self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
Improved communication and interpersonal skills.
Greater capacity for change and personal growth.
A more fulfilling and supportive social experience.
By emphasizing the relationship, relational coaching creates a safe and nurturing environment for clients to explore their challenges, develop new perspectives, and achieve their interpersonal goals.